50 dream jobs for multipotentials
Following this article,I received many emails and messages on the Facebook page My Magical Life – Zebras and Multipotentials that all revolved around the same request:
"Sophie, how did you find your way?"
But also…
"Sophie, which job should I choose?"
So I decided to publish a first ebook specifically dedicated to this issue. It is simply a selection of…
50 dream jobs for multipotentials!
Who is it for?
If this kind of problem has ever happened in your life… "I discover a new passion about every week. "I start a lot of things, but I never go all the way." "I get bored very quickly in a job, I change often" "I don't know what to do with my life" "I have to choose a path, but which one? What am I made for?- Do you feel like you have so many talents and interests that no job can match you? – Do you love discovery and variety, you like to solve problems, and explore a vast field of possibilities? – Do you feel, or have you ever felt locked into a profession, a position that annoys you, and in which there is nothing more to learn? – Have you ever been criticized for not "concentrating", asked to "decide once and for all" and "grow"? – Have you ever changed your "career", sector of activity, profession and career path several times? … so this book can help you a lot to feed your reflection and discover tracks that you might not have thought of!
What's that?
The purpose of this book is above all to give you examples of great jobs for multipotentials,thanks to a research on the positions and activities that they really liked among all those they exercised. Again and again to prove to you that yes, there are trades that are really made for multipotentials. These are inspirational tracks for those who have many interests, and who die of boredom as soon as the learning phase is over. I also thought of the two main types of personalities and functioning that we find in multipotentials: – sequential multipotentials who choose a single field, study it thoroughly, then leave it as soon as weariness arrives for another sometimes very different. I call them "repeat divers." – cyclic multipotentials,which cannot do one thing at a time, but several at the same time, and always have several projects on fire: they find themselves in the terms of "scanners", "jugglers" or "slashers". This selection is based on a series of more than 300 interviews, which I have synthesized for this ebook into 30 trades and 20 testimonials of multipotentials happy and accomplished in their professional life. But not only… In these 60 pages, I also give you tips to use what you are going to read well, and to imagine your dream job by ridding yourself of beliefs and preconceived ideas about what a job really is. This is a great working basis to imagine what will be the best way forward for you. With a little humor in it…:-)
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About the author, Sophie Girardot
Graduated from the Sorbonne, CELSA and Fort Hays State University (USA) in communication, journalism, psychosociology, culture and civilization, I have been interested in "atypical" people (high potential, multipotential) for more than twenty years. I write articles, I co-host a group on the social network Meetup on the subject of multipotentiality. I participate in many online forums on the themes of the professional and personal life of those who multiply skills and passions. And of course, I'm a multipotential 🙂
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Dream Jobs for Multipotentials
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