Multipotential, are you a Path Tracer?

YOUR light is at the end of YOUR path…

Everyone who read my articles on multipotentiality, my book,undoubtedly have a pressing desire – as I have had for a long time – to find the answer to this question:

"What is right for me in today's world? For what life, for what profession am I made? What is my way, my vocation?"

By asking yourself this question, by reasoning in this way, you are already limiting your space of possibilities. 

Because not only do you start from the principle that you are only made for one life, one profession, but also on the one that this life, that this profession already exists.

There is something you forget: it may simply be that this profession, this life does not yet exist.

And that you are, without knowing it, a Path Tracer. Of those who create new paths on lands still virgin, still unexplored. That is to say, your vocation, your dream job, it is up to you to invent it. Create a new product, or service… or several.

Who are the Path Tracers?

They are called trailblazers in English, which can be translated as "the Pioneers": those who have difficulty living within the limits defined by our modern society.

The ones they see in our classic definition of today's world of work: a profession that one chooses and that one keeps until the end of one's life.

And the life that goes around: our society dictates to us (and makes us believe) that the only model of life revolves around the search for a partner, marriage, then the purchase of a home, before having 2.1 children. With winters skiing and summers at the beach. And Auchan on the first Saturday of the month.

Whether in professional or personal life, path tracers do not recognize themselves in this unique definition of "Happiness Achieved". You tick boxes, and you finally feel realized. Before that, or next to that, no salvation. 

But many people (much more than you think) live other lives, see other paths, other ways of living. They do not hesitate to create new ways of living and creating their lives.In terms of love, these are sex friends and polyamorous for example. In terms of work, it is those who have begun to create telework, freelancework, who are at the origin of the birth of digital nomads. It is still the compilation of multiple activities, as for the slashers.

These people (and I would say, these personalities) do not find themselves in the traditional patterns, but are also tempted to create new ways of working, and even new products, new services, new professions. 

Not even afraid

And even if they do not know the end of the path, the end of their quest, they embark on the Unknown, they want to explore new territories, even if they are dead of trouble!

They are the New Explorers, the Creators, the Experimenters, the Entrepreneurs.

They feel that there is something behind it. And they trust their instincts, which tell them that their happiness, to them, is elsewhere. That it is different from the one they are offered, everything cooked and ready to take away.

Are you a Path Tracer?

If you have understood that you are a multipotential,a person who does not recognize in a single profession and who feels multiple skills, is attracted by multiple interests, perhaps it is time to consider this option.

What exists

How long have you been exploring the current options of the world of work? The sectors of activity, the trades and the lifestyles associated with them? Have you really gone around everything that exists? 

It would be good to start with that! Research those who have already mapped out innovative paths. Whether it's because of their lifestyle, their original job, or the way they regularly reinvent themselves.

And then ask yourself how they got here.

Do not hesitate to contact your heroes and heroines to find out more! Everyone is now accessible via social media, even stars and presidents. Be humble, and ask them the question: "I would like to have the same life as you, could you tell me how you did it?".

And read biographies of people whose lives inspire you, make you dream. You will see that they have ALWAYS, at some point, mapped out new paths.

Your own future

If you cannot identify with any other way of life, it is probably because the truth is elsewhere.

Yes!… But not on Mars, or in another galaxy. On our beautiful planet!

The idea is then to focus only on your own Future. That is, your Future You, and life, the income you wish to have, and the things you wish to do. To draw the portrait, in its smallest details, of your Ideal Life. 

And then, to seek to trace this unprecedented path to this Future. How to get from point A (you, now) to point B (you, in the future). It will then be the Path that will be new, in history.

Only the path counts, not the destination

There is also a second way of looking at things: putting the exploration itself first, rather than the goal to be achieved.

In a simplified way, it is a question of identifying several areas of interest, and going to explore them all. 

Imagine yourself at the top of a mountain. Your "problem" today is that the landscape extends in front of you at 360 degrees, and that you are told to choose a direction, to get to a place, and settle there, not to leave it.

Why not go explore all this beautiful country that is available to you?

Looking at this landscape, you see that there are many points of interest, and many paths to explore. You feel confusedly that the dark valley, the ruined village and the factory being dismantled are not too much your cup of tea. But on the other hand, there is this pretty lonely sheepfold, this city in the distance, and this lake with such blue waters that attract you.

What I invite you to do is go explore these three places. To see how to access it, either as soon as possible, or by choosing to follow a new path, which has not yet been explored.

Looking around you, when you trace these paths, you will discover unknown places, meet people who will feed your research, and acquire skills and knowledge. 

Once the sheepfold is reached, see if you want to rest there for a while. Be sure to go around it before you leave it. If the desire to visit the city titillates you, go on the other path. And tell those you meet about your attraction to this city: tell them what attracts you there, and let them answer you. Trust the collective intelligence… in addition to your own instinct.

A changing society, and the Tracers of New Paths

And in today's world, that is precisely what prevails. 50% of the jobs of tomorrow do not yet exist today. Have you ever thought about the fact that you might not look for your "dream job" in the right place… That is, in the present? You may have spent several months or even years of your life looking for something that does not exist.

… Well, not yet!

Think about all the jobs that have been born in the last 15 years, especially thanks to the Web. Who, in the 2000s, would have imagined that you could become a YouTuber, and earn a lot of money by making videos with a simple phone? Who would have thought that we could share our car journeys with complete strangers? And that you could pay them without using cash or even a credit card!

Behind all these new tools of everyday life, there are plenty of path tracers who have imagined new ways of seeing life, and have created their lives, their professions (and society) around this new destination.

Not easy to be the first(era)

Of course, there are dark sides. It is not easy to be a Path Tracer. Even if inventors and creators have much more room in a society that is really more interested in innovating to invent than before, they still feel like they are not good ANYWHERE. To be strange beings who go through life without "realizing themselves", with a feeling of disconnection and a deep unhappiness.

We'll talk about it again.

But I leave you for now on this first thought:

  • Have you gone around everything that could fit you in terms of trades on this Earth?
  • And if so, would it be possible for you to be, multipotential brother or sister, a Discoverer, an Innovator or an Explorer? 

I also take this opportunity to wish you an incredible, wonderful and magical year 2019. Which I hope will be the year of travel to your VV (yourTrue You). Twelve months to chart your own course, and 365 days to enjoy with full teeth, from morning to evening.Whatever your questions, your worries, your problems, your current frustrations, there are answers, and solutions. 

>>> To discover:

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My Magical Life

My Magical Life – Zebras and Multipotentials

Dream Jobs for Multipotentials

Instagram : maviemagique.psychologie

Twitter: @MaVieMagique

Youtube: My Magical Life 

Medium: @sophilosophybarbarella

LinkedIn : Sophie GIRARDOT

The book: "50 Dream jobs for multipotentials.le.s"

My poll for the next book "Multipotential and Happy!"

>>> You don't know what to do with your life? You are attracted by many professions, and you do not find your professional path? You can't get to the end of your projects? I can help you!

You can contact me for a personalized follow-up: coaching, advice, therapeutic support. For more information, read the presentation of my services. The first 30-minute consultation is free of charge.

And if you have any comments or questions, contact me!

The text of this article is the property of its author and may not be used without his consent and under certain conditions.


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