Multipotential, how to do when you want to do everything?

Hey the multipotential(the)s?

The Renaissance Spirits, polymaths and scanners, it tells you something, this desire to want to do everything ?… This is often the second difficulty expressed by most multipotentials, after that of not learning anymore and quickly getting bored in what we do…

And these two aspects of our personality both go against the desire of all of us: to have a career.

But how to have A career when you literally fall in love with… practically everything? What is this bizarre disease???

In fact – and this will always be the case when we want to respond to a problem of multipotentiality – there are several levels and details in the answers to this question.

First and foremost, the first answer to the original question is this: when you want to do everything, you have to do everything.

(Yes. When you are multipotential, you refuse to choose. Don't worry, you'll understand.)

But how to do everything, you may ask? Even if I didn't sleep, ate in two minutes, and only took one shower a week, it would be impossible for me to do everything I wanted to do! I don't have enough time!

Do everything, but only the cream of the crop

The first answer to this is to determine, among all these interests, what you like most about what interests you. 

multipotential do it all

Indeed, you start from the principle that you must learn, and do, everything that touches on the subject that connects you… Now.

Do you love to fly? Do you want to learn to fly, or just chain a few flights in a plane piloted by another?

Do you want gardening? But it's mostly choosing trees and flowers, planting them, or maintaining them? Do you prefer the creation of a decorative garden, or that of an organic vegetable garden?

Does the photo attract you? But do you need to know everything about the goals to start making some shots? And the development, can not it be done by an online company, while waiting to do it yourself in his little personal lab?

…You see what I'm getting at?

Because in fact, it should be known, even "specialists" do not do EVERYTHING in their "field".

Karl Lagerfeld is a modern Leonardo, jack-of-all-trades genius, at the same time draftsman, stylist, couturier, photographer, but also director and editor.

Well, I can assure you – because I know his career and I have seen many documentaries about him – he does not sew the clothes he draws, nor does he print the books he publishes himself.

He defines himself as "professional dilettante" – I translate for you: it is a multipotential. And yet, everyone recognizes his talent, his genius, his skills, the profitability of his companies and his creations.

No one sought to enclose it under a single label – and no one could, for that matter.

And no one asks him to do EVERYTHING right – or even to do it all! – in his fields of predilection. He may know how to embroider… Or not. It doesn't matter: he draws dream dresses…

Become a Karl: do only what you love among the things you love.

Not every passion has to become a job (it can even be a very bad idea)

The second part of the answer… may not please you.

Do not try to make it a METIER. Don't look (at least right away) for income. Don't turn a crush crossed on the street into a lifelong wedding just because it has broad shoulders and a beautiful mouth, or it has long legs.

This does not mean that this "passion activity" will never be your job, that it will not bring you money. But no activity generates revenue… initially .

And do not immediately bow to the constraint of a "market", a "target": you will then kill all creativity, everything that will make it something new, innovative, and precisely not yet existing.

Do it your way.

Are you taking pictures of feet with a smartphone? Awesome! It is then easy to create an online book and show them if you feel like it. But even if your photos are a notable success, nothing says that making photography your profession (or one of them) will be a good idea. If it falls you will only make photos of weddings in the end … or dogs. Or feet !… But in fact, you may be disgusted by it…

I love graphic design. I even made it my job for years. I made a living, I was recognized, I had "a job", but I was unhappy. What for? Because customers imposed their constraints, their tastes, their ideas on me. I loved leaving this job to be able to create without these constraints. And work on my own creations, which I intend to sell, as is, as works – and not works to order.

Want to study Spanish? OK, but why?

More precisely, for what?

  • To chat with the natives of the other sex when you go on vacation? (Or of the same sex of course if you prefer). In this case, two hundred words are enough to make you understand (or even just a dozen… and a big smile…).
  • Do you have the furious desire to move in and spend the rest of your life in Spain?
  • Or is it more to be able to watch Pedro Almodovar's films without the subtitles? Because in this case, you will certainly be able to pass the chapters "immunology", "educational sciences" or "public finances" of the French-Spanish dictionary without too many problems…

multipotential do it all

If you fall for medieval history, what actually makes you vibrate the most? Princesses, dungeons and dragons? Or the clashes between Celtic and Germanic cultures? Medieval outfits, medieval cuisine, castles?

In each case, what you like the most will be very different.

How do I know what I love?

Even more in depth… How to find what we like the most, when a priori we want to do everything?

Here's one way to answer that question.

If you only have one day to spend in a place that specializes in the field that attracts you, which floor would you go to? If it's medicine, it will be anatomy or psychiatry? If it's Asia, it's China or Japan?

I have already talked about it in this article,the first thing to do when you are multipotential is to write the list of what you like.

Soon enough, we realize that there are themes: visual arts, for example. Medicine and care. Or body expression.

Always keep this list close to you, in a notebook or better, on a computer file. And see what attracts you the most right now. Listen to what your instincts, heart, brain, and everything else is telling you. Put a note or a number of hearts, and you'll see what stands out. Even if you find three different things after all this sorting of the day, start the first one! You will do the others afterwards!

You don't have to choose, just listen to what connects you the most at the moment you have the opportunity to choose. After work, in the evening, on weekends.

Passion, job, profession, work?

If you are unemployed, and you have to choose a new position, a new profession, do the same!

Make a list of everything you like.

Then, see what you already have in terms of training, skills, knowledge or experience in this field.

If you have absolutely none, ask yourself why! Are you sure that something makes you vibrate when for years you have not spent a single day documenting the subject?

Then, if you have only just discovered this new profession, or you have determined one or a few trades that connect you, spend a day on each one, reading everything you can on the Web or failing that, in books. In one day, i.e. 8 hours, you should have gone through the working conditions, the skills required, the pace and the places where to practice your future profession.

And see, then feel what makes you vibrate the most among these different options.

Working outside or in? In the city or in the countryside? A creative profession? handcrafted? Or rather in theory, research?

If you stop one of your searches after two hours, or even half an hour, you already have an answer…

In parallel, when you do this research, keep your notes in a dedicated folder. A virtual folder on your desktop, links and notes, or a paper folder, a workbook in which you will group, for each interest, freelances, cut-out articles, images, and your own notes. If you come back to it often, if the file grows, it's a track!

And keep all these files in front of your eyes. That's what I'm doing! I have huge shelves filled with workbooks of different colors (one per theme), and in addition for a few years, virtual folders on my Cloud. And gradually, some grow larger than others… very clearly!

To summarize the idea, to do everything we like to do, start by looking at your list, and listen to your desire of the moment. What you like the most, there, now.

And spend the time you want there.

Without necessarily trying to make it a business or a profession just because you loved it for two hours… dance salsa, cook Japanese, or play the piano!

>>> To discover:

On Facebook:

My Magical Life

My Magical Life – Zebras and Multipotentials

Dream Jobs for Multipotentials

Instagram : maviemagique.psychologie

Twitter: @MaVieMagique

Youtube: My Magical Life 

Medium: @sophilosophybarbarella

LinkedIn : Sophie GIRARDOT

The book: "50 Dream jobs for multipotentials.le.s"

My poll for the next book "Multipotential and Happy!"

>>> You don't know what to do with your life? You are attracted by many professions, and you do not find your professional path? You can't get to the end of your projects? I can help you!

You can contact me for a personalized follow-up: coaching, advice, therapeutic support. For more information, read the presentation of my services. The first 30-minute consultation is free of charge.

And if you have any comments or questions, contact me!

The text of this article is the property of its author and may not be used without his consent and under certain conditions.


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