The scanner in the twenty-first century

The scanner in the twenty-first century It was a reflection of an elderly man, who felt overwhelmed by the Internet, the huge choice among DTT channels and new technologies, that inspired me for this post. I was trying to make him see the good sides of this abundance, and he told me that for him, life has become more difficult because we have too many choices. Obviously, the link with my scanner side was instantly made in my head. Indeed, he is not wrong. Today's society, which promotes excessive consumption, pushes us to look all the time for novelty, for fear of being "jettisoned" by fashion and being "out" of new trends. There is the Internet, and access to endless sources of subjects of interest and sources of information,games, leisure, online stores around the world: if today you want to buy yourself a pair of boots, even if you have decided that it will be black, with 5 cm heels and with a silver buckle, good luck … The choice is immense. It is also better to speak only French, otherwise it is the guaranteed vertigo … The company has become a Great Scanner,information changes every second on Twitter, it arrives at the same time and in a just-in-time flow on hundreds of channels, thousands of sites, and on several screens… It is obvious that for a scanner, the simple fact of being connected to the Internet is an incentive to debauchery!:-) The incessant jumps from one tab to another, from one article to another, from one product to another… For the one who has not been able to master what I call his "scannitude" and make it a tool of development and success, it gives hours, days, weeks, months, years, to surf on everything and anything (basically), without getting anything from it, beyond a short-term knowledge. This bulimia is both satisfying – bordering on orgasm! – for our curiosity, but like a drug, it eats our time, our mind and our energy. But the big problem common to all scanners is the difficulty of finishing what is started. To find its ideal mode of operation to manage to carry out its project (s) to the end. To the point of arriving at enormous frustration and a great sense of failure. However, there are strategies that can allow you not to fall into your own trap. I will reveal a secret: I surf extensively, on a large amount of sites and articles at the same time, I scan to death when I am on the Web, and yet I do not waste time, nor my "common thread". I do not lose the interesting information, I learned to store them for later, to enjoy them during my breaks, by grouping them by themes, so as not to grill my neurons, but also to make a little more complete tour on the subject. Or not: I respect one of the points of my own method, the "+1". Basically, it can be explained as follows: if this information will no longer matter tomorrow, I zap it, voluntarily. If it is useless in 24 hours but funny, I do not devote more than a minute to it. If I have more interest in all my other topics than in this one, I zappe also. But it's not lost… because you never know… I store the links in a folder in case of train delay or traffic jams! And if I never come back to it… it is that it is not a great loss! In fact, on the contrary, we must know how to dive deep into its scanning tendencies, of various and varied interests, take advantage of all that the modern world offers us. But in parallel, take notes. Write down everything that connects you, without limiting you. Because I will reveal another secret: behind your feeling of butterflying and perhaps a certain bulimia (very contemporary), hides the desire to have a conductive line in life. And your "scanning" of subjects is the best way to draw it. And finally be able to ask yourself around all your projects. So rejoice to live with so many choices, products, leisure, trades, tools, training, travel, passions.. because you are much more able than the "specialists" to take advantage of it! >>> To discover:

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Dream Jobs for Multipotentials

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LinkedIn : Sophie GIRARDOT

The book: "50 Dream jobs for multipotentials.le.s"

My poll for the next book "Multipotential and Happy!"

>>> You don't know what to do with your life? You are attracted by many professions, and you do not find your professional path? You can't get to the end of your projects? I can help you!

You can contact me for a personalized follow-up: coaching, advice, therapeutic support. For more information, read the presentation of my services. The first 30-minute consultation is free of charge.

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